Monday, April 13, 2009

Rabbit Hole #5

Censorship In Our Society
In class on Friday, we watched a video about profanity and censorship and the effect it has on people in our society. I personally think that there isn’t a problem with profanity in our society. Even though there are plenty of people that swear or say things that other people may not agree with, who is to say that those words are wrong? I thought that it was absolutely ridiculous how the women in the video who was trying to completely abolish cursing by the way of t-shirts and her logos and different things. It’s almost as though she is fighting for a lost cause. The first amendment sets in stone the freedom of speech that we as Americans all have. If this person doesn’t like hearing curse words, she should maybe just stay locked up in her house with no radio or television. That way, she isn’t annoying the rest of society by trying to abolish cursing among everybody everywhere.
I don’t think it is even possible not to offend people anymore. Nowadays, no matter what you do, you are offending somebody in some way. In my opinion, even though I probably sound somewhat harsh, I think if people put as much work into solving world problems that actually matter; or even putting all of this effort that they put into solving problems like cursing, our world would be an amazing place to live. If someone simply doesn’t like something that somebody else does or doesn’t like something that they see on television, maybe they shouldn’t associate themselves with that person or watch the TV show that they disapproved of. I personally don’t have a problem with swearing. These words are just words. Sometimes, a strong swear word needs to be put in place of another word in a sentence to really drive a point home. And since I like making things clear when I say them to certain people in certain situations, I will continue to use these words. However, I do think that there is a certain time and place for these words. I wouldn’t find a place like church an appropriate place for myself to say these words, but if someone else wants to do the go ahead and say them, more power to them.

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