Sunday, April 19, 2009

STIFF Chapter 11: Vocabulary

1.) Tissue Digestion (Page 252) – a method of disposing bodies through alkaline hydrolysis
2.) Lye (Page 253) – a highly concentrated, aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide.
3.) Prions (Page 253) –any of several petrels of the genus Pachyptila, located in the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere and having serrated edges on the bill.
4.) Bereaved (Page 254) –greatly saddened at being deprived by death of a loved one.
5.) Reductive Cremation (Page 254) – the reduction of a corpse to ashes as a way of disposing of it
6.) Necropsy (Page 255) –the examination of a body after death; autopsy.
7.) Taciturn (Page 255) - inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation.
8.) Winches (Page 256) – the crank or handle of a revolving machine
9.) Emboldened (Page 256) – to make bold or bolder; hearten; encourage.
10.) Noxious (Page 258) - harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being: noxious fumes.
11.) Miasmas (Page 258) – a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere.
12.) Pagan (Page 259) – a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim
13.) Tantamount (Page 262) –equivalent, as in value, force, effect, or signification
14.) Loamy (Page 262) – a rich, friable soil containing a relatively equal mixture of sand and silt and a somewhat smaller proportion of clay.
15.) Moribund (Page 266) –in a dying state; near death.
16.) Internment (Page 267) –the state of being confined.
17.) Merriment (Page 270) – cheerful or joyful gaiety; mirth; hilarity; laughter.
18.) Enigmatic (Page 271) – resembling an enigma; perplexing; mysterious.
19.) Requisite (Page 274) – required or necessary for a particular purpose, position, etc.; indispensable
20.) Metaphysical (Page 277) - concerned with abstract thought or subjects, as existence, causality, or truth.

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