Monday, February 23, 2009

False Letter To The Editor

Dear Rule-Breakers,

Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and one woman, (Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5). Our society has been trying to change the definition of a marriage to consist of a union between anyone in love. Just because two friends of the same gender have a strong friendship doesn’t mean they should go and get married. I agree with the Bible and think that marriage should only consist of a union between a man and a woman, and anything else should not be considered a marriage or any type of legal union. A major argument that has arisen from the arguments existing about same-sex marriage is the fact that through allowing same-sex marriage, we are weakening the true meaning of a marriage between a man and a woman. If anyone is allowed to just marry whomever they please, we are saying that a marriage is no longer a sacred vow. It is a huge deal when a man and woman marry. It is something that is most often planned down to a T and an event that a lot of money goes into. Through allowing same-sex marriage, our society is not only de-valuing the idea of a wedding but implying that the vows recited during the wedding ceremony do not hold the strength that they were meant to. If a homosexual couple is anticipating marriage, they should strongly consider the harm it may cause to our society and simply not take their relationship to the next level. They should simply be content with the fact that they are in a relationship, who ever said it needed to be legalized on paper to be real? Through allowing same-sex couples to marry, we are saying that it is okay to make amendments in the laws of marriage all together. For example, if our society allows anyone to marry whomever they please, who’s to say that it is wrong for polygamous relationships to be legalized. If we say that the definition of a marriage is no longer a union of a man and a woman, then we are also saying that a marriage could consist of a union of a man and multiple women or a union of a woman and multiple men. I think we should just leave the subject of marriage alone all together. The laws we have regarding the legality of a marriage and what it should and should not consist of have been working for our country for hundreds of years, why change now.

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